Julie Fisher

Julie Fisher
Give People A Chance And Watch Them Shine’ because when you embrace people for who they are, you will see the beauty in everyone.
-Julie Fisher
Julie Fisher is a mum of 3 boys and is also carer to her youngest son Darcy who lives with Down Syndrome. Her journey into the world of disability with Darcy began while she was pregnant and with her family, they decided to provide the best life possible for Darcy.
From the moment they discovered their son had Down syndrome, Julie learned the role of advocacy and over the last 18 years, she has become an advocate for inclusion and acceptance not only for her son, but for many people who live with a disability.
Julie brings her inspirational story to her books and every engagement with her passionate and inspiring presence. She brings the audience to a place where they want to be the change makers she has become and lead the way to a more inclusive world for people living with a disability.
She shares her story in a very raw and honest way and has audiences engaged from the moment she begins. She inspires them to do better and continue to raise awareness and advocate for people who can't do so for themselves.
Julie is a best selling author, TedX Speaker, radio host and works together with families to give them the confidence to engage their children in the community without fearing exclusion and ensure they are being seen and heard.
The Book showcase

New Release
The Magic of Inclusion
By Julie Fisher
Inclusion isn’t something that anyone should have to fight for – but for many, this is an everyday battle that feels like it will never end.
It’s time to make a stand!
Have you ever thought what it would be like if your child, or someone you care for, was made to feel like they shouldn’t be somewhere or shouldn’t do something that others take for granted? If you took your child to a play centre, park or the movies and they were excluded by others, just because they looked or behaved differently?
Unfortunately, this happens every day, to so many children and their families. It happens far too often to children with a disability, but it also happens to many children without disabilities too.
Why does this happen? Why do people think it is okay to do this?
As a mum of a young boy with Down Syndrome, Julie Fisher knows firsthand the heartbreak of seeing your child be made to feel like they don’t belong. She has also experienced the flipside, where acceptance and inclusion made magic happen, and has made it her passion to educate others on the profound impact even the smallest acts of inclusion can have on the lives of others.
In this inspiring book, Julie shares real-life stories that demonstrate why we must promote inclusion not just in groups, clubs, and organisations, but also in our everyday interactions with others. The Magic of Inclusion shows us how the simple act of including others can be life-changing.
‘Diversity is inviting new people to the party – inclusion is asking them to dance.’
Verna Myers

Julie Fisher will be launching her inspiring book at the Authors Book Launch and Expo 2024 in Melbourne, Australia. Come along and join the celebration of this launch and get your signed copy of her book. Julie will be available to sign your purchased copy of her book.